Al-Aqsa Flood: One Year of Resistance and Unyielding Struggle

Today marks the first anniversary of the heroic Al-Aqsa Flood operation when the Palestinian resistance broke through the siege of Gaza and rose against the US/Zionist occupation that has oppressed the Palestinian people since 1948. The operation on October 7, 2023, was a natural response to 76 years of racist occupation and the incarceration of 2.2 million Palestinians in the world's largest concentration camp.

Al-Aqsa Flood signifies the beginning of liberation and the end of the occupation entity. Over the past year, "israel" and the USA have revealed themselves as terrorist states, the essence of terrorism. Palestinians have a right to resist genocide and colonialism by any means necessary, including armed struggle. Only through armed struggle will Palestine and the world be liberated from Zionism. The UN and ICC, created by imperialists, have proven fraudulent, never holding oppressors accountable.

Al Qassam Brigades, Saraya Al Quds, PFLP, and the entire Palestinian resistance are heroes and freedom fighters, alongside the martyrs who sacrificed on the path to Al Quds. The Axis of Resistance—Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, and Syria—demonstrates unparalleled unity and solidarity. Martyred Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah rejected the sectarianism imposed by the West and the Gulf on the Arab world and affirmed, "We are on the side of Iran and Syria. They are our brothers. We uphold global resistance against global imperial terrorism."

The zionist entity’s goals were never to retrieve hostages but to commit genocide against Palestinians and now the Lebanese people. The majority of the settlers killed on October 7, 2023, were victims of their own military's barbaric “Hannibal directive.” Over the past year, "israel" has revealed its true character: a paper tiger with a failed Iron Dome, despite U.S. support. The Zionist entity's economy struggles, ports barely function, and it faces increasing global isolation. The United States also collapses economically, militarily, and culturally, with "israel's” aggressive actions reflecting a desperate attempt to maintain influence. Zionist/US/CIA/State Dept narratives crumble under their own contradictions.

The genocide in Palestine has radicalized an entire generation who are connecting this struggle to a broader, global anti-imperialist movement against Western hegemony. The nations sanctioned by the US lead this struggle.

Today reminds us that resistance and victory do not come without sacrifice and pain. Over 200,000 Palestinians have been martyred, and 2 million people displaced.

On this day, we remember Martyr Sayyed Nasrallah's words: "Be assured, all of you, that the conclusion of this battle will be the great historic divine victory." Victory is promised; its ink is written with the blood of our leaders and our people.”

Congratulations to the Palestinian resistance on the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood, a retaliatory operation against the illegitimate Zionist occupation. What is coming is greater, and the Al-Aqsa Flood marked only the beginning of the end of the occupation.


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