Statement from the Bronx Antiwar Coalition on Palestinian Prisoners' Day

Today, on Palestinian Prisoners' Day, we demand the immediate freedom of the nearly 10,000 Palestinian hostages detained by the criminal “israeli” occupation. The hostages include women, children, the elderly, doctors, nurses, teachers, and journalists who face unprecedented cruelty, torture, and inhumane and degrading treatment at the hands of the zionist entity.

Palestinian Prisoners' Day, commemorated annually on April 17th, witnesses an increase in the number of prisoners and an intensification of their suffering due to a deliberate media blackout on the horrific crimes committed by the occupation, including engaging in "enforced disappearance" against Palestinians, blatantly kidnapping, detaining, and torturing them to death. This year, the day falls amidst an ongoing genocide waged by the “israeli” occupation, which has committed horrific crimes leading to the martyrdom of 27 detainees due to systematic measures of torture, medical neglect, starvation, and many other human rights violations and assaults exceeding all norms and international conventions, especially the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

The Bronx Antiwar Coalition salutes all the heroic Palestinian prisoners who have spent the prime of their youth in dungeons of psychological and physical torture, administrative detention, and solitary confinement, defending their homeland, their sanctities, and the great Palestinian people. They are abducted and tortured because their resistance is a threat to the “israeli” occupation. The prisoners' struggle is the spearhead of resistance. No one confronts the occupation more than them, as they do it in every moment and action.

The Bronx Antiwar Coalition affirms that there is no liberation without the freedom of all prisoners from the prisons of the zionist entity and Palestinian Authority.

The chains will inevitably be broken. Free them all!


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