Zionist Puppets: Condemning Torres and Espaillat's Support for Funding Israel's Genocide in Gaza

On Tuesday, Feb 6, Zionist puppets Ritchie Torres and Adriano Espaillat voted “yes” on a House bill to send $17.6 billion in weapons of mass destruction to the apartheid state of Israel – a murderous regime that the ICJ has ruled is plausibly committing genocide. In the wake of the decision, the rogue state has already violated even the high court’s modest requests: cutting off a starving civilian population – 50% of which are children – from food, clean water or medical care, sieging hospitals, and bombing areas they themselves have designated as “safe zones.” To date, it is estimated over 100,000 Palestinians have been injured or killed. A number that grows daily, fueled by the very same “aid” Torres and Espaillat sought to send.

While Ritchie Torres and Adriano Espaillat voted “yes” to fund Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, the Bronx itself – we, whom they claim to represent – suffer greatly, too. Here in the forgotten borough, we Bronx residents face poverty, dilapidated buildings, crumbling infrastructure, homelessness, unemployment, and an ever more aggressive, occupying militarized police force – one trained by Israel itself via the Deadly Exchange program. All are deadly conditions that escalated under Torres and Espaillat’s watch.

Budgets are documents that reflect priorities. Ritchie Torres and Adriano Espaillat clarified their priorities yesterday by voting yes on funding Israel’s genocide. They protect and serve the terrorists of the IOF while upholding white supremacist occupation and settler-colonialism in both Palestine and the Bronx.


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