Reject US/Western Normalization of Genocide in Gaza!

The Bronx Anti War Coalition vehemently rejects the normalization of daily life in the West while the U.S.-backed Zionist entity continues its genocide in Gaza, and the U.S. and Europe bomb Yemen for attempting to stop the genocide.

It is a sign of a profoundly sick society when the majority in the West can lose themselves in trifling entertainment and consumption while these crimes against humanity persist. The massacre in Gaza and the plight of Yemen should be stopping us in our tracks.

The US, as the most deadly and destructive empire in human history, continues to prioritize commercial interests over human lives, allowing war profiteers to reap vast fortunes by selling weapons of mass destruction to genocidal governments.

We must take a stand against the normalization of these sickening acts. The Bronx Anti War Coalition calls for disruptive actions to force Western society to confront and halt these ongoing atrocities.

From the Bronx to Palestine, your pain is our pain. Your liberation is our liberation.

We will NEVER let you die.


Unmasking the ICJ: A Wake-Up Call for the Palestine Solidarity Movement


The Bronx stands united with Yemen