Unmasking the ICJ: A Wake-Up Call for the Palestine Solidarity Movement

Today, the ICJ ruled that Israel can continue its genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

The ICJ itself was on trial, and it proved what the people in Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and in the neo-colonized world have been saying for decades: the UN and their Western court system is illegitimate, there is no international law.

Not only did the ICJ fail to rule that Israel was committing genocide, but it didn’t so much as utter the word “ceasefire.” Instead, the ICJ places the burden on Israel to investigate itself and check back in in a month, which is bound to fail since Israel will continue to lie with US/EU cover as they have been doing all along, and the genocide in Gaza will continue.

There was mention of releasing Israeli hostages, but what about the 10,000+ Palestinians, including women and children, being subjected to violence in occupation jails?

Perhaps the only value of today’s ICJ decision was that its visible failure on the global stage to halt the genocide shatters its legitimacy and any remaining illusions of the function of these Western imperialist courts and institutions.

Let this be a reminder that the UN bodies and “international law” have long failed Palestine because they are not designed to safeguard justice but to uphold Western colonial and imperialist rule.

Let this moment teach you what Palestinians have long understood: liberation will be seized, not granted. Palestine will not be liberated by Western courts and institutions but by revolutionary armed struggle and disruptive acts of international solidarity.

Only the Palestinian resistance and the Axis of Resistance in the region is a legitimate path towards the total liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea, and we will continue to defend them unconditionally.

Long live the resistance!

The people will liberate themselves!


Thoughts On The ICJ Ruling And What Comes Next


Reject US/Western Normalization of Genocide in Gaza!